Whether you're a parent, teacher, or care giver, this page serves as a valuable resource for a variety of games that children can enjoy during playtime at school. We've carefully curated a list that not only includes timeless classics but also some creative new additions.
For each game, we provide detailed instructions, the number of players needed, age-appropriate guidelines, and any playground equipment you might need to bring the fun to life. Get ready to equip your young ones with a repertoire of games that promise not just excitement but also numerous developmental benefits. Below is a list of 40 of the country's most popular playground games for kids, ranging from more traditional fun, to modern day playground games!
The Importance of Playground Games
The significance of playground games transcends beyond the immediate joy and laughter they elicit. These games are not just pastime activities; they are crucial building blocks for a child’s physical, social, and emotional development.
Engaging in different types of games fosters teamwork, cultivates problem-solving skills, and improves physical dexterity. For younger children, playground games can serve as an introduction to basic mathematical concepts, like counting, and help in the development of language skills. These activities also encourage healthy competition and teach children the importance of rules, fairness, and sportsmanship. Importantly, games provide an outlet for energy and can contribute to better focus and participation in classroom activities.
In an age where screens are increasingly monopolising children's attention, playground games offer a wholesome and beneficial alternative. So let's not underestimate the power of a good game; it's child's play with impactful life skills rolled into one!

Playground games for kids
1. Hopscotch
Jump, hop and make your way up the grid!
Objective: To complete the course, hopping through squares without touching the lines, as quickly and flawlessly as possible.
Setting Up: Draw a hopscotch grid on the ground with chalk - or pick one from our range of thermoplastic playground markings. Traditional grids include eight squares.
Starting: Players take turns tossing a small object, like a stone or a beanbag, into the first square.
Hopping: The player hops over the square with the object in it, continuing to the end of the grid and back.
Retrieving the Object: On the way back, the player picks up the object while standing on one foot.
Next Turn: If successful, the player continues by throwing the object into the next square.
Faults: Stepping on a line, missing a square, or losing balance results in a fault and ends the player's turn.
Winning: The first player to complete the course for all numbered squares wins.
Number of Players: 1 or more
Ages: 5+
Equipment Needed: Chalk, stone, hopscotch playground markings
2. Tag
No tag backs - run like the wind!
Objective: The aim is to avoid being "tagged" by the person who is "It."
Choosing 'It': One player is selected to be "It," usually through a counting-out game or a quick vote.
Starting the Game: Once "It" is chosen, the other players scatter around the playground.
The Chase: The chosen player, or "It" chases the other players in an attempt to tag them. A tag is generally a light touch with the hand.
Becoming 'It': If a player is tagged, they become "It" and the original "It" joins the group of players being chased.
Safe Zones: Some variations include "safe zones" where players cannot be tagged.
Winning: Generally, the game is continuous and has no set end or winner.
Number of Players: 2 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None, just a space big enough to run around safely.
3. Hide and Seek
Ready or not, here I come!
Objective: To avoid being found by the seeker, or alternatively, to be the first one found.
Choosing the Seeker: One player is chosen to be the "seeker," often through a counting-out game.
Counting: The seeker closes their eyes and counts to a predetermined number while the other players hide.
Seeking: After counting, the seeker looks for the hidden players.
Found Players: When a player is found, depending on the rules, they might either become the new seeker or join the seeker in finding others.
Winning: The game ends when all players have been found. The first or last person found can be designated as the winner, depending on variation.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
4. Duck, Duck, Goose
Duck, duck and then - goose! Time to run!
Objective: To avoid being caught when you are the "Goose."
Sitting in a Circle: Players sit in a circle facing inward.
Choosing the Picker: One player is chosen to be the "picker."
Picking the Goose: The picker walks around the outside of the circle, tapping each player on the head while saying "duck" until they decide to tap someone and say "goose."
The Chase: Once "goose" is called, the Goose must stand up and chase the picker around the circle.
Sitting Down: The picker tries to sit in the Goose's spot before being tagged.
New Picker or Goose: If the picker is tagged, they remain the picker for another round. If not, the Goose becomes the new picker.
Winning: This game is generally continuous and does not have a set winner.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
Duck Duck Goose! Playground
6m diameter
5. Simon Says
Simon says a lot! Listen up!
Objective: To follow the commands given by "Simon" only when they are prefaced by the phrase "Simon says."
Choosing Simon: One player is designated as "Simon," usually by a vote or counting-out game.
Commands: Simon issues commands to the other players such as "Simon says touch your toes," or "Jump in the air."
Trick Commands: Simon can try to trick players by issuing a command without saying "Simon says" first. For example, "Touch your nose."
Following Commands: Players must only follow the commands that are preceded by "Simon says."
Elimination: If a player follows a command not preceded by "Simon says," they are out of the game.
Winning: The last remaining player is the winner and often becomes the next Simon.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
Similar Games:
6. Four Square
Bounce,hit and move up the squares!
Objective: To eliminate players by hitting a ball into their square, aiming to be the last person standing.
Setting Up: A large square is divided into four smaller squares, labelled usually as A, B, C, and D.
Player Positions: Each player stands in one of the four squares.
Starting the Game: The player in square A serves the ball (usually a bouncy ball) by hitting it towards one of the other squares.
Gameplay: Players hit the ball back and forth between the squares using their hands.
Elimination: A player is out if they miss the ball, hit it out of bounds, or otherwise fail to return it properly.
Rotation: When a player is out, they leave their square and the remaining players rotate to fill in the higher-ranking squares. A new player enters at the lowest-ranking square.
Winning: The last player remaining is the winner.
Number of Players: 4
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Ball, chalk
Four Square Court Playground
Simple to learn and great fun!
7. Jump Rope
Skip to the beat and jump those feet!
Objective: To jump over the rope without tripping, often while performing various tricks or routines.
Setting Up: Two players (or stands) hold the ends of a long rope.
Turning the Rope: They turn the rope in a circle, either fast or slow.
Jumping: A third player jumps into the middle of the rope's arc and begins jumping over it each time it comes around.
Game Variations: There are multiple variations like "Double Dutch" with two ropes, or incorporating rhymes and challenges.
Tripping: If a player trips over the rope, their turn is usually over, and another player takes a turn.
Scoring: Players can compete to see who can jump the most times without tripping, or simply jump for fun.
Number of Players: 1 or more
Ages: 5+
Equipment Needed: Jump rope
8. Tug of War
Grab the rope and pull like there's no tomorrow!
Objective: To pull the opposing team past a certain point, demonstrating superior strength and teamwork.
Setting Up: A long, strong rope is laid out on the ground, and a marker or object is placed at the rope's midpoint.
Teams: Two teams take positions at opposite ends of the rope.
Marker: Another marker is placed on the ground a set distance from the midpoint to establish the victory line for each team.
Starting Signal: A referee or agreed signal marks the start.
Pulling: Both teams pull on the rope, aiming to drag the other team past the victory line.
Winning: The first team to pull the midpoint of the rope past their victory line wins.
Number of Players: 6 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Rope
9. Rounders
Hit, run and score - All action packed fun!
Objective: To hit a ball, run around bases, and score as many 'rounders' as possible.
Setting Up: Mark out bases on a field, and choose a 'bowler' and 'batter.'
Bowling and Batting: The bowler throws the ball to the batter who tries to hit it.
Running the Bases: After hitting the ball, the batter runs around the bases.
Fielding: The opposing team tries to catch the ball or tag the batter out before they reach a base.
Scoring: A point is scored when a player successfully rounds all the bases and returns to the starting base.
Innings: Players take turns being batters and fielders, usually for a set number of innings.
Winning: The team with the most points wins.
Number of Players: 6 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Bat, ball

10. What's the Time, Mr Wolf?
Creep up on the wolf, but not at dinner time!
Objective: To reach Mr Wolf without being caught when the time to approach is announced.
Choosing Mr Wolf: One player is selected as Mr Wolf and stands at one end of the playing area.
Starting Position: The other players stand at the opposite end.
The Question: Players shout, "What's the time Mr Wolf?" and Mr Wolf responds with a time (e.g., "3 o'clock").
Advancing: Players take that many steps forward.
The Chase: At any point, Mr Wolf can respond with "Dinner Time" instead of a time, and then turns to chase the players.
Tagging: Mr Wolf tries to tag a player during the chase.
New Mr Wolf: The tagged player becomes the new Mr Wolf.
Winning: Generally, this game is continuous and does not have a set end or winner.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
What's the time Mr
Wolf playground marking.
11. Capture the Flag
Snatch the enemy's flag but protect your own - let the games begin!
Objective: To capture the enemy team's flag and bring it back to your own base.
Setting Up: Two teams each have a base where their flag is placed.
Territories: The playing field is divided into two territories, one for each team.
Capturing: Players try to infiltrate the opposing team's territory to capture their flag.
Tagging: If tagged by an opponent in their territory, a player is usually "out" or must go to a designated area for a set time.
Returning: If a player grabs the enemy flag, they must return it to their own base without being tagged.
Winning: The first team to successfully capture the enemy flag and return it to their base wins.
Number of Players: 6 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Two flags
12. Marbles
Roll, aim and shoot - may the marble master win!
Objective: To knock marbles out of a drawn circle or to gain points through various methods depending on the specific game type.
Setting Up: Draw a circle on the ground and place a number of marbles inside it.
Taking Turns: Players take turns aiming a larger "shooter" marble to knock marbles out of the circle.
Shooting Methods: Players use their thumb to flick the shooter marble.
Scoring: Generally, players keep the marbles they knock out of the circle.
Winning: The game ends when all marbles are out of the circle. The player with the most marbles wins.
Number of Players: 2 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Marbles
13. Conkers
Swing your conker and smash your opponents' to bits!
Objective: To break your opponent's conker.
Preparation: Players need a conker (the seed of a horse chestnut tree) tied to a piece of string.
Taking Turns: Players take turns swinging their conker at the opponent's.
Swinging: One player lets their conker dangle while the other player swings their own conker to try and hit it.
Breaking: The game continues until one of the conkers is broken.
Winning: The player whose conker remains intact is the winner.
Number of Players: 2
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Horse chestnuts, string
14. Red Light, Green Light
Run on green, freeze on red - make it to the end!
Objective: To reach the finish line without being caught moving.
Choosing the Caller: One player is chosen to be the caller and stands at the finish line.
Starting Position: The other players line up at the starting line.
Commands: The caller shouts "Green Light" to signal that players should move forward and "Red Light" to signal that they should stop.
Caught Moving: If the caller turns around on "Red Light" and catches someone moving, that player must return to the starting line.
Winning: The first player to successfully reach the finish line without being caught moving wins.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
15. Stuck in the Mud
Don't get caught, or.. stuck!
Objective: To free all players who are "stuck in the mud."
Choosing the Catcher: One or two players are designated as the "catchers."
Catching: Catchers chase the other players in an attempt to tag them.
Getting Stuck: When tagged, a player becomes "stuck in the mud" and must stand in place with their arms out.
Freeing Players: Other players can free those who are stuck by crawling through their legs.
Winning: The game ends when all players are stuck, or alternatively, when all players are freed. The outcome can determine who the next catcher will be.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 5+
Equipment Needed: None

16. Musical Chairs
When the music stops - grab your seat. Don't be left standing!
Objective: To find a chair to sit in when the music stops, aiming to be the last person seated.
Setting Up: Arrange chairs in a circle, one fewer chair than the number of players.
Music Starts: One person is designated to control the music and starts playing it.
Walking: Players walk around the chairs while the music plays.
Music Stops: The music controller randomly stops the music.
Sitting Down: Players must quickly find a chair to sit in.
Elimination: The player left standing without a chair is out.
Removing a Chair: Remove one chair, and start the music again.
Winning: The last player remaining seated is the winner.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: Chairs, music
17. Kick the Can
Kick that can - while you can! Free your friends!
Objective: To kick a can placed in a central location before being tagged by "It."
Setting Up: Place a can in an open area and choose one person to be "It."
Tagging: "It" counts to a predetermined number while the other players hide.
Seeking: "It" then tries to find and tag players.
Kicking the Can: Players attempt to run and kick the can before being tagged.
Captured: Players tagged by "It" are captured and must wait in a designated area.
Freeing Captured Players: A player who kicks the can without being tagged frees all captured players.
Winning: If "It" captures all players, they win; otherwise, a new "It" is chosen, and the game continues.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: A can
18. Blind Man’s Bluff
Tag, you're it - but catch me if you can while blindfolded!
Objective: The "blind man" must tag another player while blindfolded.
Choosing the Blind Man: One player is chosen to be the "blind man" and is blindfolded.
Spinning: The blind man is gently spun around to disorient them.
Tagging: The blind man tries to tag the other players while they avoid being caught.
Voices: Players may call out to mislead the blind man or stay quiet to avoid detection.
New Blind Man: The first player tagged becomes the new blind man.
Winning: The game is usually played for fun without a clear winner.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Blindfold
19. Leapfrog
Jump over your friends - like a frog!
Objective: To jump over each other's backs in a playful manner.
Line Up: Players line up, spaced about a metre apart, bending over or crouching down.
Starting: The last player in line starts the game by running up to the first in line.
Leaping: The running player places their hands on the back of the first player and leaps over them, landing on their feet.
Continuing: The leaping player proceeds to leap over each player in turn.
Joining the Line: After leaping over the last player, they join the line, and the next player begins their run.
Winning: Like many playground games, leapfrog is often played for the joy of the activity rather than to find a winner.
Number of Players: 2 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None

20. Sardines
It's hide and seek in reverse - find the hider and join them!
Objective: To hide with the initial hider in a secret location until everyone else has joined.
Choosing the Hider: One player is selected to hide.
Counting: The other players close their eyes and count to a predetermined number.
Searching: Players then disperse to find the hider.
Joining: Once a player finds the hider, they quietly join them in their hiding spot.
Finishing: The game ends when all players have found the hiding spot and packed in like "sardines."
Winning: The first person to find the hider gets to be the next hider.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 5+
Equipment Needed: None
21. Mother May I?
Step by step, but only if Mother says so!
Objective: To reach the "Mother" by asking for permission to move in various ways.
Choosing Mother: One player is chosen as the "Mother" and stands at one end of the playing area.
Starting Position: The other players line up at the opposite end.
Asking: Players take turns asking, "Mother, may I [take X steps] forward?"
Mother's Permission: "Mother" either says "Yes, you may" or "No, you may not," sometimes suggesting an alternative.
Moving: Players move according to Mother's instructions.
Winning: The first player to reach Mother wins and becomes the new Mother.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
22. Crab Football
Score goals while scuttling like a crab. Something a little different - whats not to love?
Objective: To score goals while moving like a crab.
Setting Up: A soft ball and two goal areas are needed.
Teams: Players are divided into two teams.
Crab Position: Players must move around on their hands and feet with their stomach facing upwards, resembling a crab.
Playing: The ball is kicked using feet, and players aim to score in the opposing team's goal.
Rules: Regular football (soccer) rules can be adapted for this game.
Winning: The team with the most goals wins.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Football

23. SPUD
Spud! No potatoes involved!
Objective: To tag players with a ball after they've taken a set number of steps away from the thrower.
Starting: One player starts with a soft ball.
Counting and Throwing: The player with the ball throws it straight up while others run away, counting aloud to a predetermined number (often until the ball is caught or lands).
Freezing: Once the number is reached or the ball caught/lands, everyone freezes.
Tagging: The player with the ball tries to tag another player with it.
Dodging: The targeted player may take three large steps to dodge before freezing again.
New Thrower: If a player is tagged, they become the new thrower. If the thrower misses, they remain the thrower for the next round.
Winning: Typically played for fun, the game can continue for a set time or until players decide to stop.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Soft ball
24. Follow the Leader
Whatever the leader does, you do too - no questions asked!
Objective: To mimic the actions of the leader accurately.
Choosing the Leader: One player is selected to be the leader.
Starting: The leader begins moving around, making various gestures or actions.
Following: The other players must imitate the leader's actions exactly.
Changing Leaders: If someone fails to mimic the leader or wants to give others a chance, a new leader can be selected.
Winning: Generally, this game is played for fun and does not have a winner.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
25. Scarecrow Tag
Get tagged, strike a pose, and become a scarecrow!
Objective: To avoid being tagged and turned into a scarecrow.
Choosing the Tagger: One player is selected to be "it" (the tagger).
Tagging: The tagger chases the other players to tag them.
Becoming a Scarecrow: Players who are tagged stand still with their arms out to the sides like a scarecrow.
Freeing Scarecrows: Free players can "unfreeze" scarecrows by running under their arms.
Winning: The game ends when all players have been turned into scarecrows. The last player tagged is usually "it" for the next game.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 5+
Equipment Needed: None

26. Hot Potato
Quick, pass it on before the music stops!
Objective: To avoid holding the "hot potato" when the music stops.
Setting Up: Players sit in a circle, and a small item (the "hot potato") is introduced.
Starting the Music: Music starts playing, and players quickly pass the hot potato around the circle.
Stopping the Music: An independent person stops the music at random intervals.
Elimination: The player holding the hot potato when the music stops is eliminated.
Continuing: The game continues until only one player remains.
Winning: The last remaining player is the winner.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: Object, music player
27. Jacks
Bounce, grab and go - how many jacks can you pick up?
Objective: To complete a series of tasks involving bouncing a ball and picking up jacks.
Setting Up: Each player has a set of jacks and a small rubber ball.
First Turn: One player scatters the jacks on the playing surface and then bounces the ball.
Picking Up: The player must pick up a predetermined number of jacks and catch the ball after it bounces once, all with one hand.
Levels: The game is played in ascending levels, often starting with picking up one jack at a time and progressing to more.
Failing a Turn: A player's turn ends if they fail to pick up the jacks and catch the ball.
Winning: The player who completes all levels first is the winner.
Number of Players: 1 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Jacks, ball
28. Cops and Robbers
Chase or be chased - either way its a cops and robbers thrill!
Objective: For the "Cops" to catch the "Robbers."
Teams: Players are divided into two teams: Cops and Robbers.
Setting: Determine the boundaries of the playing area.
Starting: The Robbers are given a head start to scatter within the playing area.
Catching: The Cops then go in pursuit to tag them.
Jail: Once tagged, Robbers go to a designated "jail" area.
Freeing: Robbers can be freed from jail by teammates who manage to reach the jail area without being tagged.
Winning: The Cops win if they capture all the Robbers; the Robbers win if they manage to evade capture for a set time or complete a set objective.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: None
29. Sleeping Lions
Who can lie still the longest? Lets find out!
Objective: To lie still for the longest time, pretending to be a sleeping lion.
Starting Positions: Players lie down on the floor, pretending to be sleeping lions.
Watcher: One player or a non-participant acts as the watcher.
Staying Still: Players must lie as still as possible.
Elimination: The watcher walks around, and if they spot any movement, that "lion" is out.
Winning: The last remaining lion is the winner.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
30. Relay Races
Ready - Set - Go! Pass that baton and sprint to the finish!
Objective: To complete a course faster than the opposing team.
Teams: Players are divided into at least two teams.
Course: A course is marked out, often involving running from one point to another and back.
Baton: Each team has a baton that must be passed between team members.
Racing: The first player in each team runs the course and hands off the baton to the next player.
Turns: Each player takes their turn as quickly as possible.
Winning: The team that completes the course in the quickest time wins.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 5+
Equipment Needed: Baton or something suitable to pass
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31. Horse and Rider
Giddy up! Who's the fastest pair on the playground?
Objective: For the "Horse" to navigate a course while carrying their "Rider."
Pairs: Players form pairs, with one being the "Horse" and the other the "Rider."
Course: Set up a simple obstacle course.
Starting: All Horses line up at the starting line, with Riders standing next to them.
Riding: At the signal, Riders mount their Horses (usually by climbing onto their backs or being carried piggyback).
Obstacles: Horses must navigate through the obstacle course while carrying their Riders.
Finishing: Pairs complete the course as quickly as possible.
Winning: The pair that completes the course in the shortest time wins.
Number of Players: 2 or more pairs
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: None
32. Elastics
Jump, step and hop your way through a web of elastic fun!
Objective: To complete a series of jumps over a loop of elastic without tripping.
Setting Up: A long loop of elastic is stretched between two chairs or the ankles of two players.
Jumping: One player jumps in various patterns over the elastic, usually starting with it at ankle height and progressing to higher levels.
Sequences: There are specific jumping sequences that players must complete without error.
Failing: If a player trips or makes an error, their turn is over.
Increasing Difficulty: Once a level is completed, the elastic is moved higher.
Winning: The player who completes the most sequences or reaches the highest level wins.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Stretchy band
32. Skipping Stones
Got the perfect stone? Show off your skipping skills!
Objective: To throw a flat stone in such a way that it skips as many times as possible across the surface of water.
Selecting Stones: Each player chooses a flat, smooth stone.
Technique: The stone is thrown at a low angle across the surface of a body of water.
Counting Skips: Players count the number of times the stone skips before sinking.
Turns: Each player takes turns to throw their stone.
Winning: The player whose stone skips the most times is the winner.
Number of Players: 1 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: Flat stones, body of water
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34. Cat’s Cradle
Get tangled up in fun with some string gymnastics!
Objective: To form a series of intricate string figures between two players.
String Loop: A loop of string is placed around the hands of one player.
Forming Figures: The other player manipulates the string to form various shapes or figures.
Passing: The figure is then transferred to the other player's hands, who then manipulates it into another figure.
Continuing: The game continues as the players alternate forming and transferring figures.
Failing: If a player makes a mistake and the figure falls apart, their turn is over.
Winning: Generally played for fun, the game usually doesn't have a winning condition unless players agree on one.
Number of Players: 2
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: String
35. Parachute
Up,down and all around - parachute games are a whole heap of fun!
Objective: To work cooperatively to manipulate a parachute for fun or to complete specific tasks.
Setting Up: Players stand around the edge of a large parachute, holding it by the edges.
Basic Play: Players raise and lower the parachute in coordinated movements.
Tasks: There may be specific tasks to complete, like bouncing a ball on the parachute without letting it fall off.
Variations: Games like "Cat and Mouse," where one player runs on top while another runs underneath, can also be played.
Teamwork: Success often requires coordinated team effort.
Winning: Typically, parachute games are more about participation and cooperation than winning.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 5+
Equipment Needed: Parachute

36. Ring a Ring o’ Roses
Join hands, spin and around, and don't forget to fall down!
Objective: To join in a circle and perform actions in sync with a nursery rhyme.
Forming a Circle: Players join hands and form a circle.
Singing: Players sing the nursery rhyme "Ring a Ring o' Roses."
Walking: As they sing, players walk in a circle.
Actions: When the line "we all fall down" is sung, everyone falls to the ground.
Continuation: The game is generally repeated multiple times for fun.
Winning: There is usually no winner; the game is more about participation.
Number of Players: 3 or more
Ages: 4+
Equipment Needed: None
37. Keep Away
Keep the ball rolling and dodge the catcher in the middle!
Objective: To keep a ball away from one or more players in the middle of a circle.
Setting Up: Players form a circle with one or more players in the centre.
Starting: One player in the circle starts with a ball.
Passing: The players in the circle pass the ball to each other, trying to keep it away from the player(s) in the middle.
Tagging: If a player in the middle intercepts or tags the ball, they switch places with the player who last touched it.
Continuing: Play continues with the new player in the middle.
Winning: The game is typically played for fun and doesn't have a set end or winner.
Number of Players: 4 or more
Ages: 5+
Equipment Needed: Ball
38. Bocce
Who can roll their ball closest to the pallino? Let the bocce battle begin!
Objective: To throw your balls closest to a smaller target ball, called the "pallino."
Setting Up: A flat, open space is needed, and each player (or team) has four larger balls.
Starting: One player throws the pallino to a distance within the agreed playing area.
Throwing: Players take turns throwing their balls, aiming to get them as close to the pallino as possible.
Scoring: After all balls are thrown, the player whose ball is closest to the pallino scores points.
Next Round: A new round begins with a different player throwing the pallino.
Winning: The game is played until a set number of rounds are completed, and the player with the most points wins.
Number of Players: 2 or more
Ages: 7+
Equipment Needed: Bocce balls
39. Red Rover
Ready to break the chain? Charge ahead in Red Rover!
Objective: To break through the opposing team's line.
Teams: Players are divided into two teams, standing in lines facing each other.
Holding Hands: Team members hold hands to form a chain.
Calling: One team calls, "Red Rover, Red Rover, send [Player's Name] right over!"
Running: The named player runs at the opposing team's line, trying to break through the held hands.
Outcome: If the runner breaks through, they choose a player from that team to join their own. If they fail, they join the opposing team.
Alternating Turns: Teams alternate calling players over.
Winning: The game continues until one team has all the players, or for a predetermined time.
Number of Players: 6 or more
Ages: 6+
Equipment Needed: None